It’s no secret that pollinators are a crucial part of our food system. In fact, 84% of commercially grown crops are insect-pollinated, and honey bees contribute $24 billion annually to U.S. agriculture. Think about it this way: one in three bites of food are made possible by bees!

Despite this VIP status in the food world, they are bombarded by threats to their food, homes and environment from every angle! It’s hard to be a busy bee when you’re losing places to land, places to rest, places to eat, places to live – and places to pollinate.

So, how can you help to Give Bees a Chance? You can teach the kiddos in your life about their importance through together-time activities and resources. Share your at-home crafts with #GiveBeesAChance in social to help share the buzz!

Download the Inside Buzz At-Home Guide

Journey into the incredible world of honey bees with games, facts, activities and more! Get a sweet taste of honey bees and why they're so important in this 20-page booklet for kids ages 5-11.


Resources for Parents:

Resources for Schools:

Bee Trivia

Download and print trivia cards or test your bee knowledge below!

The hollow of a tree trunk.

In waxy hexagons inside the hive called a honey comb.

It masks the “fear scent” bees can give off and helps them stay calm.

The queen.

About 40 days.

About 11,400 times per minute!

A special series of movements called a “waggle dance.”

A drone.

Pretty much forever.

About 1/12 of a teaspoon.

At least 150 million years!


Did You Know?