When kids have access to edible gardens, a lot of good can grow. They try new foods. They get excited about healthy choices. They get rooted to real food. Imagine if more kids had that chance.

The Whole Kids Garden Grant program provides grants to K-12 schools and non-profit organizations to implement an on-campus garden for the first time or for schools with existing gardens to make meaningful transformations. We also fund edible learning spaces in non-school environments that support children's programming such as community gardens, libraries, museums, or after-school programs.

The Garden Grant Program Is Growing

Today, we’re thrilled to announce we're awarding $1.75 million in Whole Kids Garden Grants! That’s 583 new garden grants — each worth $3,000! These grants will support more than 290,000 students in 50 U.S. states, Washington D.C., and 9 Canadian provinces.

The Garden Grant is one of our longest running annual programs. Since launching it in 2011, we have awarded funding for more than 8,500 edible gardens, investing over $20 million and benefiting more than 5.5 million students! 

Plants and Possibilities

Gardens provide a fun learning environment that can foster positive change. 

“Through the Whole Kids Garden Grant program, schools and nonprofit organizations transform outdoor spaces into vibrant hands-on outdoor classrooms that connect kids with food, spark curiosity, and get them excited about fresh vegetables and fruits,” explains Carol Medeiros, Executive Director of Whole Foods Market Foundation (Whole Kids is a Whole Foods Market Foundation project). 

In fact, research from the University of Texas at Austin shows that students who participate in gardening, nutrition, and cooking classes eat more vegetables per day than they did before the programs. Plus, edible gardens support a wide range of classroom curriculums including science, nutrition, math, and art.

Let’s Grow Something Good

Discover if the Whole Kids Garden Grant is a match for your school or nonprofit’s goals by learning more about eligibility requirements and checking out the FAQs. Also, read past recipients’ success stories and discover grantees in your area by searching our Grant Recipients Database. The grant window opens each year in February, and grantees are notified in August. 

The Buzz on Bees

Teaching students about the power of pollinators? In partnership with The Bee Cause Project, we offer a Bee Grant program that supports schools’ and nonprofit organizations’ educational beehives and bee programming so students can observe bees up close and learn about the vital role pollinators play in the food system. The grant application window is open this year from September 4 through October 31.

Lastly, dig into our online resources for families including activities, book recommendations, worksheets, and other tools that encourage healthier food choices at home.