Founded in 2007, Real School Gardens (name recently changed to Out Teach) has worked to equip teachers with the power of experiential learning outdoors to unlock student performance. They support many of the Dallas gardens WKF has funded and dozens of gardens across the country. They work to connect gardens to important core STEM learning principles.
Moss Haven Elementary School started with a garden. Each class had a bed that they planned and cared for. And it grew. And it grew. And today Moss Haven Farm is a shining example for every school. Classes still tend their raised beds…but now the school has allowed the farm to take over green areas (that no longer require mowing) and once asphalted areas (that were badly in need of repair) and they are growing food for their community and local food pantry. Tucked into a small neighborhood near Richardson - you’ll find the farm. Occasionally one of the chickens goes for a stroll…but the neighbors call or bring them home.
While AHA is a nationally known organization, their Dallas headquarters is an institution in the city. WKF had the good fortune to meet Kelly Meyer, the founder of AHA's Learning Garden program. We decided to collaborate to create an elementary school garden curriculum that would be made available free to all schools.
Austin, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
Houston, Texas