
1 Banana, cut and frozen

1 ½ cups liquid of choice. Here are some options: milk, nut milk, soy milk, coconut milk or coconut water

2-3 dates (if you like a sweeter smoothie use 3 dates)

½ large ripe avocado

½ cup spinach

Other optional ingredients:

1-2 Tbsp. of unsweetened cocoa powder

¼ cup rolled oats (*see note below if using oats)

½ cup frozen mango or berries (instead of banana)

1 tsp vanilla extract

Dash of cinnamon


Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend on high until smooth and creamy.


Adding oats to your smoothie will give you a boost of fiber to help power through your day.

A couple of tips for using oats in your smoothies:

  • First, add oats into the blender. Blend well before adding the rest of your smoothie ingredients.
  • Soak your oats overnight in milk or water. Pour enough liquid to cover the oats, cover and place in the fridge. Then add to blender along with other ingredients.